Employee Handbook Quiz
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1. What is a hazard?
A. Something that can cause harm or injury to a person/people
B. A purposeful assessment of the environment
C. Something that requires control measure
D. None of the above
2. An employee who spots a risk in the workplace should?
A. Ignore the risk
B. Report it to the health and safety officer
C. Report it to a supervisor/person in charge
D. Make it safe before management sees it
3. From the following options, what is the best way to control electrical hazards in the workplace?
A. Replace the hazard for a less risky option
B. Replace the hazard for a less risky option
C. Use personal protective equipment (PPE)
D. Unplugging all electrical equipment prior to cleaning
4. Who is responsible for safety in your workplace?
A. Business owners / Corporate board
B. Managers
C. Employees
D. Everyone has a role in keeping the workplace safe
5. All of the following things are what the company ensures to follow for work safety
A. Floors and other surfaces are designed, installed and maintained to allow work to be carried out safely
B. Signages that are not visible for safe evacuation in an emergency
C. The workplace and move within it safely, both under normal working conditions and in an emergency
D. Workers exposed to extremes of heat or cold are able to carry out work without risk to their health and safety
6. These are the signs and symptoms of heat related illness EXCEPT:
A. dizziness
B. alertness
C. fainting
D. nausea and headache
7. You can reduce the risk of burns and scalds by;
A. Using wet clothes to pick up hot objects
B. Not organising your work area away from heat sources
C. Unidentified hot equipments
D. Opening pot lids away from your body
8. How can you avoid Physical Hazards?
A. Wear any shoes into your liking
B. Ignoring the signage left in work areas
C. Ensure power cords are never placed across walkways or in wet areas
D. Leave the wet floors behind and continue with your work
9. Workplace related injuries, illnesses and deaths impose costs upon?
A. Employers
B. Employees
C. The community
D. All of the above
10. What is a contribution that employers can make to ensure that their employees will have a strong safety climate?
A. not monitoring use of personal protective equipment
B. developing explicit and enacted policies on safety
C. praising new hires for transfer of training
D. reporting employees for unsafe behaviour
11. What is the most important reason why all accidents should be investigated and recorded?
A. Just to comply with health and safety law
B. Satisfy the enforcement officer
C. Something to read on free time
D. Prevent similar accidents in the future
12. Before plugging in an electrical tool or appliance;
A. Check for broken plug
B. Check for exposed wires
C. Don't overload an outlet
D. All of the above
13. What type of training should a store manager provide to reduce back injuries when handling materials and loads?
A. Lifting/Handling training
B. First Aid training
C. Forklift truck training
D. Behavioural training
1. The temperature danger zone is between:
A. 40 ℃ to 140 ℃
B. 5 ℃ to 60 ℃
C. 4 ℃ to 175 ℃
D. None of the above
2. The germs present in raw food can be destroyed by thorough cooking:
A. At 60 ℃
B. At 100 ℃
C. Between 40 ℃ and 50 ℃
D. Above 75 ℃
3. Used for testing the proper temperature for cooked or fresh product:
A. Laser thermometer
B. Cooking Timer
C. Meat thermometer
D. None of the above
4. Proper storing of food on the fridge except for;
A. Keep raw and cooked food well separated in the fridge to avoid contact and cross-contamination
B. All perishable and cooked food needs to be stored in the fridge
C. Leave the cooked or ready-to-eat foods uncovered in the fridge
D. Use shallow containers to cool food faster
5. For cooling the food within 2 hours, temperature must be;
A. 60°C to 21°C
B. 21°C to 5°C
C. 40°C to 5°C
D. None of the above
6. For cooling the food within 4 hours, temperature must be;
A. 60°C to 21°C
B. 21°C to 5°C
C. 40°C to 5°C
D. None of the above
7. Used for testing the proper temperature to check packaging temperatures of items stored in fridges:
A. Laser thermometer
B. Cooking Timer
C. Meat thermometer
D. None of the above
8. Reheat food until it reaches the core temperature of:
A. 60 °C
B. 58 °C
C. 45 °C
D. 75 °C
9. Things that must be follow on changing gloves on a regular basis EXCEPT for:
A. Change gloves every five minutes
B. Change gloves as often as necessary to maintain hygienic food handling
C. Change when you move between different work tasks, such as sweeping floors, doing stock up, or rotating workstations
D. Change gloves after handling garbage, or if handling/picking things up off the floor
10. All items that come into contact with food must be washed with a detergent and a hot water with a temperature of:
A. -60 °C
B. 50 °C
C. 60 °C +
D. None of the above
11. Proper way of sanitizing items that come into contact with food:
A. Apply sanitizer without reading the instructions on the label
B. Treat with very hot clean water (75°C +) for at least one minute
C. Treat with very hot clean water (75°C +) for at least two minutes
D. All of the above
12. Proper thawing frozen foods:
A. Thaw cooked or ready-to-eat foods in the fridge, in cold water, or microwave – not on the bench-top
B. Follow thawing and cooking instructions on packaged frozen foods
C. Thaw poultry, rolled, seasoned, or stuffed meat joints, and boned meat joints all the way to the centre before cooking
D. All of the above
13. Importance of Personal Hygiene:
A. Reduce the likelihood of becoming sick or spreading illness, infection, or infestation to others or the food you are working with
B. People with poor personal hygiene habits are more likely to become sick or suffer from a wide range of issues.
C. People who have poor personal hygiene habits may be more likely to spread disease
D. All of the above
1. What are the standards that our customers expect from us?
A. Management
B. Service
C. Quality
D. All of the Above
2. Things that an employee can take initiative and responsibility with except for:
A. Take time to complete the task given to you.
B. Strive to learn and offer solutions to problems.
C. Complete tasks before being asked.
D. Work quickly and hard to finish assigned tasks.
3. Ways on providing excellent customer service aside from:
A. "Always do the right thing all the time!"
B. Strive to keep every customer happy by delivering excellent customer service and consistently doing something of value for customers in the way customers want it done.
C. It's not necessary to always follow the "customer is always right" rule
D. Make every customer feel that they are getting special treatment.
4. An employee can consistently follow the procedures and standards through:
A. Always be neat, clean, and on time, this will be recognized and remembered by those around you.
B. Follow procedures, regardless of supervision or sales volume.
C. Don’t use a product if you're unsure of its freshness and inform your supervisor/manager immediately of any problems.
D. All of the above.
5. You can demonstrate and promote teamwork except for:
A. Communicate with customers patiently, especially with those who speak another language.
B. Don’t update your team about recent changes.
C. Treat all team members politely and with respect.
D. Help team members and keep calm and patient when dealing with them.
6. Expected performance from all of the employees:
A. Give your full cooperation to supervisors and coworkers. Do not argue with coworkers or customers.
B. Not entertaining the needs of customers and just focusing on your own tasks.
C. Complaining to managers/supervisors about recent changes in work.
D. Use of mobile devices while working.
7. What is not allowed during your working hours?
A. Drink water to rehydrate.
B. Friends and family in food preparation areas or behind a customer service counter.
C. Taking a short rest if the store is not on peak hours.
D. Talking to coworkers about work related topics.
8. What are the things that Sales and Hospitality can contribute?
A. Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
B. Effectiveness
C. Increase event contributions
D. All of the above.
9. How can you deliver quality customer service?
A. Not showing interest on the customer’s request.
B. No proper greeting provided upon the arrival of a customer
C. Getting distracted while working.
D. None of the above.
10. When communicating with the customer, you should pay attention to:
A. Body language and attitude
B. Sound and tone of voice
C. Eye Contact
D. All of the above
11. When identifying the customer needs, you should check for:
A. Personal information of the customer.
B. Current status of the customer
C. Knowing a customer's time requirements
D. Things that are not related to the customer's needs.
12. What are the factors that you should do when calming an irate customer?
A. Listen
B. Apologise
C. Empathise and offer a resolution
D. All of the above
13. What is the approximate percentage of customers that will purchase again if they have a complaint?
A. 82% if resolved quickly.
B. 50-50
C. 1% if they don't communicate their complaint.
D. 0%
1. In an interview, Ana, the hiring manager dismissed James, a male candidate, on the basis that he is using hearing aids. This is an example of which type of discrimination?
A. Gender
B. Religious
C. Racial
D. Physical Disability
2. Which of the following is NOT an example of physical harassment?
A. A normal handshake
B. Brushing up against the body
C. Standing too close
D. Unwelcome touching of any body part
3. Cory is constantly being told full of lewd and offensive jokes by a coworker which has created a hostile work environment for her. What type of sexual harassment is this?
A. Verbal harassment
B. Visual harassment
C. Physical harassment
D. Non-verbal harassment
4. Violence may occur in the form of:
A. Harassment or physical assault
B. Verbal abuse
C. Threats
D. All of the above
5. You can avoid risks and improve work safety and security except for:
A. Participate in training provided by your employer on how to deal with potentially violent situations at your workplace.
B. Being familiar with your workplace security system.
C. Walking alone in an empty and dark alley since it’s a shortcut to your workplace.
D. Be familiar with first aid facilities and requirements for your workplace in event of an unlikely incident.
6. Which of these describes a case of individual discrimination?
A. A female executive believes that women are superior negotiators because they are better at finding compromise. When a position opened up for a negotiator, she only interviewed women.
B. A professor thinks that all girls are bad at Math but treats all of his students the same.
C. A bartender knows a man who stopped drinking. The man no longer goes out to the bar. This causes the bartender to believe that people who do not drink do not know how to have fun.
D. A baseball fan does not like fans of a rival team and believes that they must be less intelligent if they like such a bad team.
7. Which of the following is NOT an example of discrimination?
A. Paying a woman less than a man who is doing the same job
B. Hiring someone even with or without disabilities
C. Firing a woman because she is pregnant
D. Forcing an employee to retire because of the person’s age
8. Which of the following is an example of covert bullying?
A. Setting tasks that are beyond a person's skill level.
B. Ignoring or isolating a person
C. Deliberately denying access to information, consultation, or resources.
D. All of the above.
9. Which of the following is NOT an example of workplace bullying?
A. Laughing at the memes you are checking out with your coworkers.
B. Inappropriate comments about a person's appearance, lifestyle, or their family.
C. Harmful or offensive initiation practices, and physical assault or threats.
D. Abusive, insulting, or offensive language.
10. In what way can you deal with discrimination or harassment?
A. Ignore everything that’s happening around you.
B. Just keep it to yourself and remain silent.
C. If the discrimination or harassment happens at work or in a store or restaurant, ask your employer or landlord or the manager to do something about it.
D. Just leave the place without doing anything about it.
11. Which of the following is NOT an example of duty to accommodate?
A. Just let things go through without doing anything
B. Change an employee’s duties
C. Adjust a work schedule
D. provide someone with additional training
12. To make a complaint under the BC Human Rights Code, all of the following must be true EXCEPT for:
A. There is a connection between the way you have been treated (badly or denied a benefit) and a personal characteristic protected under the Code.
B. The incident happened in your house without any records.
C. You have been treated badly or denied a benefit.
D. The treatment occurred in a situation such as at work, in a store or restaurant, or between a landlord and tenant.
13. When can you approximately file a complaint after a discrimination, harassment or violence happened?
A. 2 weeks
B. 6 months
C. 3 months
D. 1 month
1. Which of the following is NOT an example of termination with just cause?
A. Committing fraud
B. Stealing
C. Personal issues
D. Assaulting a co-worker
2. How long should an employee be employed to be entitled to a termination notice or termination pay-in-lieu of notice, or a combination of both?
A. 3 consecutive months
B. 2 consecutive months
C. 1 month
D. 2 weeks
3. For termination without a cause, employers are:
A. Not required to provide an employee with a reason for their termination.
B. Can’t terminate employees based on grounds protected by the Employment Standards Act or the Human Rights Code.
C. Provide a termination notice or termination pay-in-lieu of notice as long as employee
D. All of the above
4. What are the things that employees can expect or should do when they quit their job?
A. May affect their eligibility for federal government benefits.
B. Will not be paid compensation for length of employment.
C. Should consider whether they are eligible for a job-protected leave of absence if they need to unexpectedly take time off work to deal with illness or life situations.
D. All of the above.
5. Which of the following can the employer do when firing an employee?
A. An employer will not be required to pay compensation for length of service under certain limited exceptions.
B. Give written working notice or compensation for length of service.
C. Fire an employee for just cause without giving any notice or pay.
D. All of the above.
6. Conditions to follow before giving written notice EXCEPT:
A. On leave
B. Absent for 3 days without any notice
C. On temporary layoff
D. Unavailable for work due to medical reasons
7. Which of the following situations are not required for notice or compensation?
A. Refuses reasonable alternative work
B. Cannot perform the work because of an unforeseeable event or circumstance
C. Has not been employed for three consecutive months
D. All of the above.
8. Reasons that an employer can give when firing an employee without notice or pay:
A. Was told that they weren't meeting the standards
B. Had reasonable time and help to meet the standards
C. Was warned that they would be fired if they did not improve their behaviour
D. All of the above
9. Employers should provide clear and consistent standards to:
A. Managers
B. Employees
C. All staff
D. Supervisors
10. Employers do not need to give ____________ if they fire an employee for just cause:
A. Written notice or pay
B. Compensation
C. Second chances
D. Warning letter
11. An employer can let an employee go immediately if they want as long as they:
A. Had a private talk with the employee
B. Pay the entire compensation pay required.
C. Had an internal agreement with the employee
D. Bribe the employee
12. If an employee worked for more than a year in the company, when should an employer send the written notice?
A. Two weeks of notice
B. One week of notice
C. Three weeks of notice
D. No notice
13. When an employee quit the job, how should the final payment be made?
A. Within 48 hours after the last day an employee works
B. 1 week after the employee resigned
C. Within six days after the employee’s last day of work
D. Within a month after the employee’s last day of work